Membership Requirements
There are no specific tennis skill or employment requirements to belong to the Club. Members play matches throughout the summer months. The club tracks singles matches with a ladder system in which players are ranked from the top to the bottom. New members start at the bottom and can challenge their way to a higher position. A member gets matches by contacting people, within twelve positions of him/her on the ladder, to play. Rankings are updated based on the 20 point ranking system. The club uses an online system to update the ladder standings in real-time. Matches can also be updated via e-mail.
Members play as often as they like and at any public court on which you and your opponent agree. Some people only play a couple of matches, while others may play twenty plus matches a season. Typically, we also offer a weekly doubles league as well as a singles and doubles tournament. We also typically have a spring/kickoff outing in May and a fall/finale outing in September.
Registration is presently closed for the season. It will reopen in the spring